April's crossword on a nautical (ish) theme.  Click start to start...

Cross word Puzzle 1


1. Floating dirt ensnares objectionable people. (8)
6. Fleet to give weapons, primarily axes, daggers, arrows (6)
8. Prohibit flight and hit the beach (6)
9. Flair! and French do use it in the Galley! (7)
10. Waistline first measurement for an assistant on board? (5)
11. Bear lost time causing the boat to spin? (4)
12. Me heard Nelson lost one? (3)
13. A handy tool on board - can be made from half a violin. (3)
14. Execute a turn in soggy bemusement. (4)
15. Gazing at this we hear is a military tradition. (5)
17. Uh? Am zit free from this angle. (7)
19. Primarily naval engineers like servicing oily nuts for the Admiral. (6)
20. Initially, scary thunder often really maddens sailors, the Met Office warns of these. (6)
21. They roast nicely above the waterline. (8) 


2. A century before, infra-red used both ways to see these high in the sky. (5)
3. Stop her English, it's an Irish spirit you might hear in the rigging (7)
4. Went down to the seabed: sand without 500 plus kilos (4)
5. Sort leak with cud - boat woodwork sealed. (7)
7. Protection against poultry we hear (4-4)
10. Mistral? Girl raises the anchor (8)
12. When it comes to light this is a time of true equality every spring and autumn (7)
13. Used to protect your gelcoat. And guitars? (7)
16. Sometimes sacrificial. Can be found in an ode we wrote for Neptune (5)
18. River analysis (4)