The Essential Navigation and Seamanship course provides an introduction to the basic skills required before taking a small boat to sea or taking an active part in the navigational planning and general running of a boat. This course is delivered online with materials supplied by Nomad Sailing.
Charts, Publications and Terms
- Basic terms
- Chart overview
- Introduction to chart datum and depths
- Lateral buoys
- Cardinal buoys
- Where to find information
- Plotting a position
- Measuring distance and bearing
- Position fix
- Heading
- Safety
Personal and Boat Safety Equipment
- Safety procedures and briefing
- Communications
- Engine checks
- Rescue procedures
- Where to anchor
- How to anchor
- Tidal streams
- Tidal heights
Electronic navigation
- GPS terms
- GPS use
- Using waypoints
Rules of the Road
- Risk of collision
- Who gives way
Weather Forecasts
- Sources of forecast
- Terms used in forecast
- Sea state
- Harbour information
- Transits
- Pilotage plan
Passage Planning
- SOLAS V requirements
- Pre-planning
- Chart choice