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Great Boat Games

Eating and drinking together in the evening around the saloon table is one of my favourite parts of a sailing trip.   The addition of a good game can only add to the fun.  We have some firm favourites that are easy to learn, quick to play and always generate lots of laughs.  See below for details, quick guides on how to play and where to buy one!  (also most of them can fit in your pocket to take down to the pub too!)


An ancient game of ornate skulls and dangerous roses, Skull is simple to learn but dangerously difficult to win. You must bluff, lie and pierce through the deceptions to expose the roses. Be wary, though – if you happen across a skull, the consequences are dire!

Players will hold three rose cards and one skull. Add a card to the pile in front of you, and when you feel lucky, announce your challenge and declare how many cards on the table you will flip. Cards that show a rose are safe, but if you expose your opponent's hidden skull, you lose one of your own cards. Keep your cards to the bitter end to win this clever game of deception and perception!   


Which was built first the pyramids or stone-henge? Which was the earliest invention the toaster or the washing machine?  Win cards by guessing when the event occurred relative to cards you already hold.  We play a version where you can win bonus cards for guessing the exact dates of the event as well.  First to collect eight cards wins.  Learn something surprising every time you play.


The cutest dice game in the world.  Roll the minature pigs to score depending on how they land - Razor Backs, Snoutesr, Leaning Jowlers - each carries a different value. Keep rolling to build your score, but watch out, you'll loose your turn's points if you roll a sider and all your points if the pigs touch!  First to 100pts wins (or 200, 300 .. you choose) 

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Jim Barden on Saturday, 12 March 2022 14:39

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