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RYA Chart 3. Variation 6°W. No deviation or leeway.
Tidal Diamond A (HW Victoria 1225 DST)
On 28th May @ 0945 DST Joe plots his position on the chart using the following:
Pow Head ECM in transit with Mutton Head LH
Holm Point LH bearing 259° (M)
He then plots a WPT 2 cables south of Hill Shoal SCM and plots a CTS from his current position towards the waypoint departing at 0955 with a boat speed of 5kts
At 1055 Joe changes course to 292° (M), trims his sails correctly and manages to get an extra 0.5 kts boat speed. An hour later Joe plots an EP to find his position and the pot of gold – where is he?
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