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Nomad's Treasure Hunt #1

We put these treasure hunts together during that well remembered period of Covid Lockdown, they are still good fun if you need to refresh on your chartwork so dig out those RYA Training Charts and have a go. There are three more treasure hunts that lead on from one another so must be done in order.

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RYA Training Materials


RYA Chart 3. Variation 6°W. No deviation or leeway.

Tidal Diamond A (HW Victoria 1225 DST)

On 28th May @ 0945 DST Joe plots his position on the chart using the following:

Pow Head ECM in transit with Mutton Head LH

Holm Point LH bearing 259° (M)

He then plots a WPT 2 cables south of Hill Shoal SCM and plots a CTS from his current position towards the waypoint departing at 0955 with a boat speed of 5kts

At 1055 Joe changes course to 292° (M), trims his sails correctly and manages to get an extra 0.5 kts boat speed. An hour later Joe plots an EP to find his position and the pot of gold  – where is he?

The Handy Billy
Sailing Instructors and COVID-19

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