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Treasure Hunt #4 - Mutiny

The aim of the game is to add up all the minutes in your latitudes and work out just how much Jim's boyish good looks are worth...

It was the early hours, a calm but misty morning at anchor as the sun started to rise. Pirate Lou snored loudly on the Nav bench with a heavy head from the cheap box of Shiraz. The late night antics and dancing to Pink loudly on board had caught up with her. A perfect opportunity for Jim to discuss his plans with the crew.

After some time locked in the aft cabin Jim had regained his sea legs, got over his landlubber instincts and made plans for a Mutiny!

Jim gathers the crew, who quickly agree to this plan after being fed up with Pirates Lou's constant referral to her crew as 'Scumbags'.

They prepare the tender, throw in a Chart (3), almanac, plotter, divider, a small watch and the remainder of the cheap wine box. Only the good stuff for Jim.

They weigh anchor, head to the North to the Overfalls just of Beauty Point. With 22m on the depth sounder and Marshall Hill in transit with Beauty Point, they they bundle Lou, sleeping bag n'all into the tender and set it adrift! Good Riddance!

In the log book they record the celebratory event:

2nd May - 0837 DST - Overfalls to the North of Beauty point - Mutiny on board. Pirate Lou set adrift in the ships tender and Jimbo appointed as the new Captain

Three hours pass until Pirate Lou finally comes round. "Those Scumbags" she shouts. Where am I? Lou unfolds the chart. Having done nothing but drift with the tide, she constructs a rough position on the chart. Tidal Diamond N appears fuzzy with a heavy head, a glance at the computation of rates table brings on instant nausea. "Neaps will do" Lou howls.

Your first Lat Long

From here Pirate Lou Jury rigs her sleeping bag as a make shift sail. With the tide now behind her, she makes 10 knots over the next 2 hours heading due North. As larger vessels appear out of the mist, Lou obeys the rules of crossing a TSS until she's clear on the other side.

A three point fix to confirm her position:

South Head - 025° (T)

Lawrence Mo (A) Buoy - 132° (T)

LCW Racon (W) Buoy - 243° (T)

Your second Lat Long

From here, with her head starting to clear Lou adjusts her sleeping bag sail and for the next hour makes 6 knots heading on a course of 288 °(T)

With a tide of 022° (T) @ 2 knots Lou manages to construct an EP.

Your third Lat Long

Jim and his new found crew continued into Dawson Harbour. On piloting in Jim decides to take his crew to the Hotel on the transit for a cold beer. But what is the Latitude of the hotel?

Your fourth Lat Long

Now you have all four positions.

The currency in RYA Middle Earth is degrees and minutes. So add up the minutes only from your Latitudes and convert this in Degrees and Minutes to find the value of Jim. 

Contact us with your answer

How to work up an Estimated Position
Treasure hunt #3 - Kidnapped!

Comments 2

Guest - Bora Dirik on Sunday, 10 May 2020 13:39

Hi all,
Thanks for the weekend puzzle.
I found it as 01° 09'
Stay safe!!

Hi all, Thanks for the weekend puzzle. I found it as 01° 09' Stay safe!!
Guest - Neil Stewart on Sunday, 10 May 2020 23:12

Finally got to submit one in time! I reckon Jim's value is 111.8 minutes, which converts to 001 deg 51.78 mins.

For the record, I made the fixes as follows:
1. 45 deg 53.0 min N
005 deg 53.8 min W

2. 46 deg 05.3 min N
005 deg 50.5 min W

3. 46 deg 08.9 min N
005 deg 57.6 min W

4. 45 deg 44.6 min N
005 deg 55.4 min W

Got to say, loving the Treasure Hunt challenge each week. Appreciate the effort that's going in to setting the questions too!


Finally got to submit one in time! I reckon Jim's value is 111.8 minutes, which converts to 001 deg 51.78 mins. For the record, I made the fixes as follows: 1. 45 deg 53.0 min N 005 deg 53.8 min W 2. 46 deg 05.3 min N 005 deg 50.5 min W 3. 46 deg 08.9 min N 005 deg 57.6 min W 4. 45 deg 44.6 min N 005 deg 55.4 min W Got to say, loving the Treasure Hunt challenge each week. Appreciate the effort that's going in to setting the questions too! cheers Neil
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